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Other Desert Cities was the 2013 play for Units 3+4 of Theatre Studies VCE students to study for the major outcome in their marks for this semester. One of the things that was needed to be studies were the use of stagecraft elements in the play. So how were stagecraft elements Acting, Sets, Props and Costume used? Read on an find out.

Stagecraft Elements In Other Desert Cities

In other desert cities acting is a major part in everythging (It is a play). This stage craft element has got to best the best it could possibly be.

Other desert cities is set in america, therefore authentic american accents need to be in place. The accents were amazing the use of voice and accent was breathtaking. The way the actors moved and the gesture was great. You could really tell that the actors thougholy resarched the characters because they were awesome 

The sets in other desert cities were incredibly well structured. the stage was grey, plain grey. with a pool down the front and a room up the back. The stage was very well put together due to the fact that there was a fully functioning pool down the front of the stage with water in it and everything. The actors made full use of it as well acknowledging it and using it (When trip put his feet in and when Brooke tried to drown herself). In nearly the whole of act 2 the actors were inside the room doing the show with working lights and doors and everything

The costumes in other desert cities were very unique. From the start when the actors first walked on the stage the two older people were in matching tennis uniforms. What was really interesting is how every scene the costumes seemed to change and all the colours were character unique which means that no two people on the stage will be wearing the same colour. Another interesting thing in the play is that in no stage at all during the time of the play did Brooke change her outfit from her jeans and leather jacket. One other thing is that everyone but Brooke wears bright happy colours where as Brooke wears dark moody colours probably to reflect her depression and struggle through her life.

The most amazing thing about props in other desert cities is that they were completely intractable. Right from the start of the play they were. In the opening scene whilst everyone is standing around the stage talking they are drinking actual alcohol from a bottle and even things like cigarettes were used. ACTUAL cigarettes were used for the play which is pretty amazing if you ask anyone who saw the play. Even things like the lights and music player were used, (With help from the tech crew of course). Closer to the end of the play trip roles up and starts to smoke his own joint (They didn't use actual drugs) and right at the end when Brooke throws her book into heaps of tiny pieces. It was very obvious that the props were taken very seriously   



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